Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant for Gordon Ramsay?

Celebrities are constantly making news headlines whenever they are spotted by the media sporting a change to their usual appearance. Whether it be speculation of surgery and alterations to once appearance like a nose job , or just spotting what the hottest new trend for the season is - and if said celebrity has it right - one thing is for sure, the spotlight never stops shining on them.

For some celebrities, this means not being able to even keep a hair transplant mum - or being reported to have on - even if you might not have.

This week’s celebrity buzz about a hair transplant is centered on celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay who already was spotted a few years back leaving an actual hair transplant clinic - came out this time rocking a crazy hair look at celebrity Victoria Beckham’s 40th birthday dinner in London that’s made the media think he had yet another hair transplant procedure.

Numerous photos of the night’s event and in particular, close up’s of Ramsay’s hair are circulating on the web.

They show the celebrity with an uncommon fringe and half shaved hair look. Up close, it appears that the shaved portion of his hair on the back of this had supposedly had red pin pricks, Dailymail reported.

This type of marking, and especially in said location is indicative of a hair transplant because the red marking would be where donor grafts were taken and this hair is almost always taken from that area of the scalp.

If speculation of a second hair transplant is true - its not because something went wrong with the first one - once healthy hair follicles are transplanted they will continue to grow in that area - but other areas on the scalp, not treated before - because they were not a problem then - may have become an issue now, since hair loss can be a continual process for some.

Hairfear - 5-1-2014

Frequently asked questions about hair transplant procedures

How much does a hair transplant cost?

Hair transplants can vary in price based off of the area in the world that you are interested in getting a hair transplant as well as the size of the area where you may need a hair transplant. Experienced doctors in the United States will often charge some of the highest prices for a hair transplant worldwide and this is why so many travelers make the move to other parts the world like Turkey, India, Thailand, Mexico...etc for their hair transplants.

Will a hair transplant hurt?

Although hair transplants may look like a particularly unpleasant or painful experience is actually very little discomfort involved with the surgery itself. Hair transplants are always done under an anesthetic so there's absolutely zero pain during the treatment itself. Many people actually relate the process as being very similar to going to the dentist for filling or root canal. Mild pain can persist over the course of postop treatment but he generally just resumes for a few days.

Who can deliver the best surgery?

It's usually best to consider working with surgeons who have and IAHRS certification or international alliance of hair restoration surgeons recognition. IAHRS can often deliver recommendations for the best surgeons in each particular area.

Is this scarring noticeable?

Any type of hair transplant will require the use of incisions throughout the scalp. There can also sometimes be a small scar from the donor area towards the back of the scalp. Asking to look at photos of the surgeon's previous work will help you to see roughly how bad the scarring could be. In most cases an experienced professional can limit the look of scarring and noticeable marks from the surgery.

How long does it take for the hair to grow?

In most cases hair growth will start within eight months and you can start to see a full effect from the hair transplant after a full year. The initial signs of growth can usually start between 3 to 4 months after the surgery.

Are the results permanent?

The hair follicles that are transplanted are generally the ones which are genetically resistant against the symptoms of baldness. As long as you receive hair loss treatment later in your life after the symptoms of balding have started to subside, you can have a better chance at permanent results.

While everyone know you've had surgery?

If you want to limit the chance that people may find out about your surgery it's important to give at least three weeks of healing as the surgical area will be affected and red just after surgery. After around a month of healing it can look far less noticeable. You could consider wearing a hat while time passes or opting for some extra time off if possible.

How long should I rest after surgery?

It's recommended to rest for at least a few days after surgery so that your body can recover. Trenton to over exert yourself and limit sexual activity, running in the gym for around 10 days after surgery.

Is it possible to lose more hair as a result of surgery?

There is always a chance of shock loss which happens when the hair is weak and miniaturizing after the surgery. As long as the surgeon is choosing the correct hair follicles and performing the surgery well it's possible to minimize the chance of this happening however.

Will I need another hair transplant?

The need for another transplant really depends on the individual. With a solid foundation surgery and working to potentially bolster results with drug therapy, you can improve the stability of the hair that was transplanted as well as prevent further loss. Getting a hair transplant early on in your 20s or early on in life could lead to needing long-term transplants as hair loss can be progressive.

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