Hair Loss Treatments

psoralen Treatment for Alopecia Areata Gains Popularity

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that causes partial or complete hair loss in patients mostly in children. Patients suffering from this disease lose their hair in round patches initially. The round patches may soon spread to nearby areas resulting in total hair loss.

Alopecia areata is caused due to genetic factors; however, there are effective treatments available today to combat this hair loss. The most common treatment for alopecia areata is steroid injections directly to the affected area. However, steroid injections are not prescribed for children in most cases. Forman Dermatology and Skin Cancer Institute recently stated they are offering alternate treatments for alopecia areata.

The institute is offering psoralen +UVA (PUVA) treatment that combines natural compound psoralen, which is applied to the scalp, with targeted narrowband UVA rays emitted from a hand-held UV device made by Psoria-Shield, a pioneering company in UV technology. The treatment is effective as it stimulates healthy hair growth with minimal side effects.

"This is a rebirth of the traditional PUVA combination and breakthrough treatment option for children with alopecia areata," said Dr. Seth Forman, Tampa dermatology or Forman Dermatology and Skin Cancer Institute. "It demonstrates just how versatile and effective phototherapy can be."

To apply this treatment the Tampa dermatologist utilizes Psoria-Shield’s flagship device Psoria-Light, which delivers Deep UV LED targeted phototherapy treatment to patients with UV treatable skin conditions.

Psoria-Light is capable of emitting either UVA or NB-UVB light, allowing healthcare providers access to multiple forms of phototherapy treatment, all within one device.

Alopecia areata is caused by Lupus, a chronic auto-immune disorder in which the body attacks its own healthy cells and tissues. Around 45 percent of those with lupus will experience some form of alopecia, usually at the beginning of the disease. The loss can be patchy but extreme sometimes.

From genetic factors apart, health of the hair depends on a number of other factors including nutritional level and overall health of the patient. Some of the other causes for hair loss are thyroid disease, diabetes, anemia and fungal infection.

Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism result in rapid hair loss. The thyroid gland manufactures the hormones that help control metabolism and growth, and when it doesn’t supply the proper amount, Thyroid Disease occurs. Nutritional deficiencies are cited as the main reason for thyroid abnormalities.

Anemia, according to experts, is the most common reason for hair loss. When the body has lower iron level than required, it becomes prone to several ailments. Iron is used to maintain the body temperature so if there’s iron deficiency in the body, the hair follicles become weaker and thinning ensues.

Diabetes is a hormone-related disease, which results in hair thinning and gradual hair loss. Diabetics are sensitive to skin problems because their blood circulation is not optimal which could cause visible hair loss because the body can’t keep up with the re-growth process. Usually hair loss begins at the onset of diabetes and aggravates as the disease advances.

Fungal infection that leads to hair loss on scalp is usually caused by a mold-like fungus called dermatophytes. Symptoms of fungal infection are flaking and scaling of the scalp, redness, blisters, chunks of hair falling out and pus. This is a common disorder found in kids and is highly contagious.


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