Evolveclinics - Best Hair Transplant Surgery in India

Evolve Esthetique Clinics - Best Fue Hair Transplant Clinic in India


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Evolve Esthetique Clinics.

We fully understand the underlying causes of hair loss and the trauma associated with it. This helps us to offer unparalleled expertise in baldness treatment and hair restoration techniques. Our services in this domain include hair transplantation, PRP therapy and mesotherapy. We believe in strict adherence to safety standards and hygiene to ensure quality service to our existing and future clients. Numerous testimonials that we receive each year speaks volumes about our expertise in this field. Don't wait to change your life. To discuss your skin-related issues and hair loss treatment, contact us today. With Evolve Esthetique clinics, hair loss doesn't have to be!

Our Hair Transplant Services

FUE Hair Transplant

FUE is a more popular nowadays. In this type of hair transplant technique, hair follicles are extracted from donor area in small round punch at a time. These follicular unit grafts consisting of 2, 3 and 4 hair groupings, are then transplanted into the bald area.FUE technique is almost a painless surgery. Thus, patient recovery is very fast.There will be no change of look of the donor area after surgery. Hence no sign of hair transplantation is visible thereafter. Experienced surgeons should be deployed which remains to be one of the most important determining factors.

FUT Hair Transplant

FUT also known as Strip Surgery includes the process of removing a strip of tissue with hair usually from the back of the head. The hair follicles are then harvested from this strip and then implanted in the bald area.In FUT surgery is done by extraction of the entire strip of hair from the donor area of the scalp. After extraction, stitches are done carefully on donor area leaving linear scar lines. These extracted strips are then grafted on the affected portion of the scalp that is called recipient zone. Normally, small follicular units containing single to four hairs are grafted at a time.

Beard Hair Transplant

Beard transplant technique involves harvesting of the minute individual hair follicles from the back of the scalp where the hair is thickest and is transplanted on the face. There are various ways in which this treatment can be done. For better results, they are transplanted from scalp to face (beard, moustache etc) . This is the best way to restore the facial hair i.e. goatee, mustache and sideburns. There are few benefits of having the beard is it hide scars, acne, any kind of discoloration and pigmentation plus bonus is the manly look

Eyebrow Hair Transplant

Beard transplant technique involves harvesting of the minute individual hair follicles from the back of the scalp where the hair is thickest and is transplanted on the face. There are various ways in which this treatment can be done. For better results, they are transplanted from scalp to face (beard, moustache etc) . This is the best way to restore the facial hair i.e. goatee, mustache and sideburns. There are few benefits of having the beard is it hide scars, acne, any kind of discoloration and pigmentation plus bonus is the manly look

Body Hair Transplant

In almost methods of hair transplantation, hairs roots from the donor area are required to implant in the bald area so that a natural growth of hair can be initiated in the bald area also. But, here the question is what if a patient doesn’t have a good enough growth on the back side of the head? The answer is, it’s not like if you don’t have good hair growth on the back of the head then you can’t go for hair transplantation. Yes, because apart from the back side of the head, some other body parts such as beard, chest, legs and armpit also can be used as a donor area.


The small amount of baldness can be treated with some home remedies, oils, or change in diet but sharp hair fall cannot get cured using such techniques and hence requires proper treatment i.e. Hair transplant. It’s a natural and permanent solution for restoring lost hair. Hair transplant is the permanent solution to the growing hair loss problem. Curious? How is that done? The procedure is simple, painless and forever. So basically the hair follicular unit is harvested from the back of the scalp and is shifted and implanted in the affected area mostly it which is the frontal of the head in men. In simple terms hair from one part of the body (back of head, chest, legs) are transplanted onto scalp. The surgeon harvests a portion of scalp from the back of the head (where hair is already there) into small sections using a magnifying lens and their surgical knife. After that, the strip is kept and hair follicles are separated, tiny holes are done with the micro-needle in the area where the hair is to be implanted. Follicles are inserted into the holes (this requires an expert hand). Generally, in one session 2000-3000 grafts can be transplanted. Hair transplant can be done surgically and non-surgically both ways. In surgical, there are different techniques like FUT, FUE, DHI. You can choose which to undergo according to cost and time.

Real People Real Results


Evolve Esthetique Clinics Before & After

  • We fully understand the underlying causes of hair loss and the trauma associated with it. This helps us to offer unparalleled expertise in baldness treatment and hair restoration techniques. Our services in this domain include hair transplantation, PRP therapy and mesotherapy.

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